Balancing Act

August 3, 2022 | written by Amy Swift Crosby 

I’ve come a long way when it comes to defining balance for myself. I used to think it was all parts equal; giving myself one-third, my family the next third, and my vocation the last piece of the balance pie. Having failed at that profoundly, I’ve learned that for me balance is more about knowing where my energy is needed most and how to distribute it. It’s like being CEO of your attention, which is too often handed over to whomever or whatever is neediest or loudest. But this approach requires fluidity rather than rigidity. By that, I mean sometimes it’s OK if a need trumps a want, or a well-planned schedule gets usurped by an unexpected curveball. "Balance" is having the internal bandwidth to make decisions according to priority.

I recently did a brand strategy project with a team at Barre3, a fitness company with 160 studios worldwide. They define balance as “managing energy in proportion to priorities.” This definition is the most attainable one I've encountered. It doesn’t rely on an unrealistic state of bliss as a destination. Instead, it's being aware of what's pulling you and where it's taking you and then deciding whether you agree.

When you know what’s important and how to support it, you can do something about it. Without that piece of information, "balance" remains elusive. So for me, my North Star is clarity about my priorities. Balance is what happens when my head, feet, and heart are facing the same direction.

Amy Swift Crosby and The Brandsmiths Podcast






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