Now that you know who you are, what are you going to do about it?

We spend our twenty’s trying on identities, seeking our vocational purpose. We use our thirties to establish a path and to make a name for ourselves. Our forties are invested in becoming good – really good. We then come to a threshold, a moment when we see an opportunity to turn the corner on this trajectory, to look left and right before moving forward.

It’s a time to ask new questions like, “And…now what do I want?”

This new path, mindset and sense of priority has a name: We call it Liberty Road.

Liberty because there’s freedom in earned experience, in knowing yourself and being pulled to the “next” interesting incarnation, armed with wisdom. Road because these decades are distinct from the ones before it. From the terrain and pace - even the signs point in new directions


1) To redefine what midlife looks like. It’s unlike the first 30, and if we are lucky to be around, it won’t be like the back 30 either—that’s why we refer to it as the middle third.

2) To share stories, information and resources that enable you to create and pursue your story. To share examples of what’s possible that help you consider your possibilities. If you woke up this morning, you're not finished. It’s not over. There is more for you to receive, give and become.

3) To consider our individual and collective purpose. At a time in life when experience, wisdom, and self-awareness come into focus, many of us step away from pursuing anything new. Imagine a world where more women stepped into midlife ready to create, innovate, lead, unite, support, and heal. Imagine a world where her vision for a brighter future is pursued and realized. Just imagine!

I’ve spent my working life rolling up my sleeves alongside female founders. From starting an online co-op of emerging designers, and co-authoring an amazon, small-business best-seller to creating conferences and workshops, and a consulting practice, my north star has been supporting other women. Listening to these stories, so many of which resonate with my own, I have learned that purpose can be defined over a lifetime or in an instant. And we’re always capable of expressing purpose through a canvas of our choosing.

I know I am not finished, but I do not always know what’s next. I have more to learn, more to offer and more to become... and my guess is you do too.

Welcome to LIBERTY ROAD.

Founder and Host,

Meet the Liberty Road Team

Nada Jones

Founder, CEO & Podcast Host

Stacey Lindsay

Editorial Director


Alice Hause

Tricia Ferrante

Emily Pearson

Sophia Jones

Elizabeth Windom

Podcast Producer

Julia Windom

Podcast Editor

Trish Ursettie

Operations & Events Manager

Caleena Sugiharto

Social Media Assistant